Monday, 24 October 2016

Martial Arts Therapy

List of Yoga Stretches & Poses for Martial Arts - with instructions & videos
  • Boat Pose - The boat pose is a yoga stretch and core strengthening exercise.
  • Bound Angle Pose
  • Bow Pose - The bow pose stretches your back, chest, shoulders, etc.
  • Bridge Pose - The bridge pose is used to loosen your chest, shoulders, back, etc.
  • Butterfly Stretch - This stretch is used to loosen your groin, hips, etc.
  • Camel Pose - The Camel Pose is used to stretch your back.
  • Cat Stretch or Cat Pose - This stretch is used to loosen your back muscles.
  • Cat-Cow Stretch or Cat-Cow Pose - This stretch is used to loosen your back, spine, stomach, etc.
  • Chair Pose - The Chair Pose is used to strengthen your legs and stretch your calves and Achilles tendon.
  • Child's Pose - This stretch helps to loosen your back, shoulders, arms, thighs, etc.
  • Cobra Stretch - This stretch is used to loosen your lower back, shoulders, etc.
  • Cow Face Pose - The Cow Face pose is used to stretch your hips, shoulders, triceps, etc.
  • Crow Pose - The Crow Pose is an advanced Yoga pose where you balance on your hands.
  • Dancer's Pose - The Dancer's Pose is used for balance and flexibility training.
  • Dolphin Pose - The Dolphin Pose stretches your calves, hamstrings, shoulders, etc.
  • Downward Facing Dog - This classic yoga stretch is used to loosen your back, spine, hamstrings, etc.
  • Extended Side Angle Pose - This yoga pose is used to stretch your obliques, side, groin, hips, legs, etc.
  • Firefly Pose
  • Fish Pose
  • Frog Pose - The Frog Pose is used to stretch your groin, inner thighs and hips.
  • Half Moon Pose - This stretch works on your obliques as well as your balance and core & leg strength.
  • Heron Pose - The Heron Pose is a stretch used to loosen your hamstrings.
  • Locust Pose - The Locus Pose is used to stretch and strengthen your back.
  • Lotus Pose - This classic yoga pose stretches your hips, groin, etc.
  • Low Lunge Pose - The Low Lunge Pose is used to stretch your groin, quads, hamstrings and glutes.
  • Noose Pose
  • Peacock Pose
  • Pigeon Pose - The Pigeon Pose works on stretching and loosening your hips.
  • Plank Pose - The Plank Pose is a great core strength exercise.
  • Plow Pose - This Yoga stretch is an advanced back stretch.
  • Pyramid Pose - This Yoga stretch will work on your hamstrings.
  • Reverse Side Angle Pose
  • Seated Forward Bend Stretch - This Yoga stretch helps your hamstrings.
  • Seated Straddle Pose - This Yoga stretch will help improve your ability to reach high roundhouse kicks andside kicks.
  • Seated Twist Pose - The Seated Twist Pose is a stretch that focuses on your back.
  • Shoulder Stand Pose
  • Side Plank Pose - This Yoga pose strengthens your core and upper body.
  • Squat Pose - The Squat Pose works on your groin, hips, etc.
  • Standing Big Toe Pose (or Standing Hand To Toe Pose) - This Yoga pose is good for improving your balance.
  • Sun Salutation - One of the most famous Yoga poses.
  • Tree Pose - This Yoga pose focuses on improving your balance.
  • Triangle Pose - This is a beginner-level Yoga exercise that is used to stretch your hips, obliques, groin, hamstrings, etc.
  • Upward Facing Dog - The Upward Facing Dog is an advanced variation of the Cobra Stretch.
  • Upward Plank Pose - This Yoga exercise strengthens your core, arms and shoulders.
  • Warrior 1 Pose
  • Warrior 2 Pose
  • Warrior 3 Pose
  • Wheel Pose - The Wheel Pose is an advanced backbending Yoga stretch.
List of Martial Arts Strength Training Exercises
Here are instructions for a wide range of martial arts strength training exercises. They will enhance your upper bodylower body and core strength. In turn, these strength training exercises will help to improve your punching powerkicking power and grappling techniques.
On your "off days" when you do not have your regular martial arts classes, you will need to cross-train and develop your strength in order to maximize your potential as a martial artist. Try to mix up martial arts and sports strength training exercises in order to work on different muscles and moderate the potential for training burnout and boredom. You should also alternate your exercise focus areas in order to allow for muscle recuperation days (i.e. Monday focus on upper body strength training, Tuesday focus on lower body, etc.) in order to reduce the potential for overuse injuries and to maximize muscle recovery and improvement.
All stretches and exercises should be supervised by a trained instructor in order to prevent injuries and to ensure the proper technique is utilized. If you have had an injury or are in pain, please see a doctor before starting any stretching or exercise program. For additional stretches and exercises, please visit the main Martial Arts Physical Fitness section.
Section supported by Strength & Conditioning books
Modern Strength Training Exercises
Traditional Martial Arts Strength & Conditioning Drills - Many of these traditional training methods can cause injuries. Use with caution.

Upper Body Strength Training Exercises - These upper body exercises will help you to generate stronger punches and grappling techniques. These sports exercises work on strengthening the muscles in your chest, shoulders, back and arms.

Core Strength Training Exercises - These core exercises will help your rotational power or "twisting" power and thus lead to stronger kicks, punches and grappling techniques. These sports exercises are designed to strengthen your abs, obliques and lower back.

Lower Body Strength Training Exercises - These leg exercises will help you to generate stronger martial arts kicks. These sports exercises strengthen the muscles in your calves, quads, hips, etc.

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